Male infertility usually involves problems with sperm production, maturation, or transport. There are a variety of factors that can cause a low sperm count or poor quality sperm:
- genetic factors
- birth abnormalities
- blockage in the tube that carries sperm from the testes to the penis
- infections, such as mumps after puberty
- varicoceles (an abnormality of the blood vessels of the testes)
- certain drugs (prescription or illicit)
- obesity
- high fat diet
- smoking
- stressful lifestyle
- Working in a hot environment or sitting for long periods (especially in tight-fitting garments) may cause reduced sperm count
It's important to remember that a “normal” sperm count involves millions of sperm. Conception is possible even with a greatly reduced sperm count as long as some of the sperm are healthy. An understanding of the optimal time for conception will greatly increase the chances of conceiving even with a low sperm count.